Toronto-Born Choreography App Levels Up
With an understanding of the financial strains often placed on those in the arts industry, StageKeep continues to offer flexible payment options

The Trials of Running a Small-Town Theatre
Arts Revelstoke gets creative with managing their performance space

The Oxford Handbook of Hip Hop Dance Studies
Only recently has hip hop entered the world of academia; once difficult to find, tangible resources and archived materials have slowly become more accessible

The Winding Staircase to a Safer Place
Learning to make a studio safer is like learning new choreography: one step at a time

Soften Up
Self-massage to combat a hypervigilant nervous system, caused by the chronic fear of catching COVID-19

Research Spotlight: Checking In With the Mental Health of Performing Artists
Findings from three surveys highlight the decline in artists’ mental health during the pandemic

Keep On Calling
To truly move towards liberation, BIPOC artists shouldn’t have to justify how their creative practice relates to their cultural background

What Kind of World Do We Want?
Red Sky Performance’s Mistatim, in collaboration with the Toronto Symphony Orchestra, is a story of reconciliation for kids

Just What the Therapist Ordered
By accident, I discovered how Bollywood and bhangra dance can help manage Parkinson's disease