Colleen Snell was born in Canada, where she began dancing at the age of four. She trained at Toronto's Canadian Children's Dance Theatre as a company member. She then completed her post-secondary education at LADMMI in Montreal, where she became fully bilingual. Colleen recently completed her Postgraduate Diploma in Advanced Dance Studies with Distinction at the London Contemporary Dance School (LCDS) in England, and will soon complete her Masters thesis in Contemporary Dance, focusing on inter-subjective states. Colleen has worked with artists such as Irene Dowd, Risa Steinberg, Maeva Berthelot and Winifred Burnet-Smith (of the Hofesh Shechter Company). With Dancemakers she was a guest artist for the FastTrack series in 2007 and a teacher in the EDAP program for both 2010 and 2011. She is currently fifth kyu in Aikido.