Research Spotlight: Checking In With the Mental Health of Performing Artists
Findings from three surveys highlight the decline in artists’ mental health during the pandemic

Made in BC Celebrates 15 Years With an Interactive Virtual History
Dancing Stories from BC is an online project preserving the ephemera of live performances

When Dancing Is a Total Nightmare
Fear of Dancing follows filmmaker Michael Allcock, whose fear of dancing keeps him on the sidelines

Which Election Issues Are Top of Mind for BC Artists?
With the British Columbia election around the corner, artists wonder how the three political parties will address the future of the arts sector

Konversations on Colour: A Report
On June 12, KasheDance hosted a virtual meeting about the immediate and future needs of Canadian African diasporic dance

Canada’s Drag Race Premieres During an Important Time
Brooke Lynn Hytes and Hollywood Jade weigh in on the significance of the inaugural season

Toronto’s Dora Mavor Moore Award Winners Announced
In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, the ceremony was held online

A Calling In
Aria Evans talks about the work that the dance community has to do inside of systemic racism and solidarity