Lee Slinger

Editorial Advisory Committee, Editor Emerita, Contributor

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Lee Slinger, Ph.D., is a Toronto-based researcher, teacher and writer. Her academic interests are in how people use the past to construct identities in the present and ideas of ownership about that knowledge. Her award-nominated dissertation examined the memory of the Tudor era in eighteenth-century Britain. Before graduate studies, she worked in sponsorships at a Québec television station. More recently, she has taught art history and writing skills at OCAD University and Ryerson University and done free-lance writing and copy editing. Her love of dance has always been a part of her life. Since attending L’École supérieure de ballet du Québec in Montréal, she has participated in a variety of recreational classes, studied dance at York and become a devoted audience member. She has been editor at The Dance Current since 2015. 

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Lee Slinger

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