Q: Whose feet are these? They belong to members of a company that began as a solo dance venture and has developed over 23 years to include ensemble repertoire. Another hint? One of these dancers was born in Edmonton, Alberta, the other in Tokyo, Japan.
A: These feet belong to Peggy Baker (Artistic Director) and Sahara Morimoto (Artistic Associate) of Peggy Baker Dance Projects. Morimoto first encountered Baker as a student at Canada’s National Ballet School, where Baker is Artist-in-Residence and teaches contemporary technique. Photographer Joel Benard took these pictures for the 2012 production of the sound and feel of it. They were part of a lobby installation at the Betty Oliphant Theatre where Benard created diptychs of all the dancers on the program with a headshot and an accompanying foot shot.
Submit your favourite foot fact or image, like Peggy Baker Dance Projects did, to office@thedancecurrent.com with the subject line “Feet First” or follow us @TheDanceCurrent with #TDCfeetfirst and your submission may be included in this column.
Tagged: Choreography, Contemporary, Feet First, Photography, Sahara Morimoto, ON , Toronto