Balls and potions
I’m all “loose joints,” which means that many of my muscle groups are in a constant state of panic, working overtime to keep my body in one piece. Mobilizing and releasing are key to my survival; balls and potions are my instruments of choice.
My notebook
A gift from my guru, it holds all the important things — pieces of past and ongoing processes, notes from French class, melodramatic poetry, plans for art-making/world domination.
I’m over thirty and not into needless suffering.
Reusable bottle
As my dad would say, “bottled water is for suckers.” The majority of Canadians have access to clean, cold, ultra-tasty drinking water; you just need a vessel to drink it from (even a subpar one like mine that empties into your bag on a weekly basis).
Food (and my little bamboo utensils)
Running late for Graham class one day, I had to hide a piece of toast under my leg and surreptitiously shove it into my mouth while doing bounces. I don’t do well running on empty, and rehearsing makes me super-hungry so I always have little containers of food. My wooden utensils were acquired on a tour in Belgium and I carry them with me everywhere I go.
Born and raised on Cape Breton Island, Nova Scotia, Molly Johnson is a Dora Award-winning freelance dance artist, who has worked with the likes of Heidi Strauss, Susie Burpee, Sharon Moore, Julia Sasso and Nova Bhattacharya and spent eight summers performing in parks across Ontario with Dusk Dances. Based in Toronto, she also dances for Montréal’s Le Carré des Lombes, performing the acclaimed work of Danièle Desnoyers nationally and abroad. Learn more >>
Tagged: Contemporary, What's In Your Dancebag?, ON , Toronto