Renowned Canadian modern dance artist Peggy Baker recently received an honorary doctor of letters degree from York University in Toronto. The university awarded the degree to Baker in recognition of her contributions to Canadian culture as a dancer, teacher, choreographer and dance advocate. Taking the convocation stage on June 10th, Baker addressed an audience of students graduating from the Faculties of Fine Arts and Liberal Arts and Professional Studies in an inspired speech.
Peggy Baker, founder and artistic director of the Toronto-based Peggy Baker Dance Projects, was one of the founding members of Dancemakers and is a renowned solo dance artist. In addition to her international work with the Lar Lubovitch Dance Company and the White Oak Dance Project, Baker created the Choreographers’ Trust in order to pass on her choreographic works to a new generation of dancers. Baker is a member of the Order of Canada and the Order of Ontario.
Tagged: Contemporary, Education, Uncategorized, ON , Toronto