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Lauranne Faubert-Guay + Alejandro Sajgalik

Sep 17, 2022 @ 7:00 pm - Sep 20, 2022 @ 7:00 pm

Sep 17, 2022 @ 7:00 pm Sep 20, 2022 @ 7:00 pm

D’une montagne sans sommet (ponos II)
Standing at the foot of enormity, she is ready to face herself in the ultimate test: to climb her own mountain, to become a mountain. Her movements heavy with effort and perseverance, she aims to draw on and amplify her own strength in a mighty ascent. Humble, no different than anybody else, she manages to invigorate herself and come to life. Her dance intends to be a quest for altitude, a cry against the gravity that pins us down and grounds our creative impulses, a bid for emancipation through physical challenge, showing us that we are all summitless mountains.

Materia Prima
Technology gives us the illusion of freedom, but it controls everything. The dancer enters a sound installation and activates it with his voice. He plays with different cables and the space comes to life when he dances. The sound captured by the microphones is sent to a computer that manipulates and loops it until it becomes unrecognizable. The dancer may very well move the mics and speakers around in an attempt to break free from their grasp, it remains that it is this machine that animates him. This endless creative cycle hopes to represent an exploration of what it means to be an artist in spite of yourself, a free spirit seeking to be its own master.


$15 – $30



1435 De Bleury St.
Montreal, QC Canada
+ Google Map
514 525 1500
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