Linda Palmer is sixty-four and has been dancing flamenco for ten years. “It keeps the brain active! I love everything: the rhythms, the costumes, the physicality, the camaraderie.”
FAN Bought in Seville, Spain; used for certain dances, like the guajira
CASTANETS Played in class, especially for sevillanas
SHAWL To interpret any dance; for example, when Maria performs the alegria. It’s amazing the way she interprets the dance … we were bawling our eyes out!
SHOES Flamenco shoes from Spain — sturdier than character shoes
BAG From the Brazilian flamenco fashion company Lunares; purchased in the silent auction for the Flamenco Festival
WATER BOTTLE Filled with iced green tea
Tagged: Flamenco, What's In Your Dancebag?, Halifax , NS