Filmmaker Marie Brodeur, along with composer and producer Alain Thériault and photography director Sylvestre Guidi, was recently in New Delhi to present a retrospective of her company La Compagnie de la Marie at the dance and arts film festival DanzLenz.
Her work was well received. “[The Indian public] is curious and avid for new perspectives on dance,” says Brodeur, inspired by the discussions that took place at the festival. “Dance is a part of Indian life and everything related to it is respected and taken very seriously.”
Brodeur made her own film selection to offer a diversified overview of her work. Featured was an excerpt of her upcoming documentary about Vincent Warren, a key figure of dance both in Québec and internationally, which Brodeur says was received with “great interest and respect.”
“As a star dancer, historian and curator, [Vincent Warren] lived through several socio-culturally important decades,” she says. “He is the embodiment of the history of dance in Québec.”
Now back in Montréal, Brodeur and her team are currently looking for funding to finance the post-production of the Vincent Warren documentary, which they are determined to finish despite the challenge this presents.
“I believe it’s really important to preserve our dance culture on film, so we will not give up!” concluded Brodeur.
Tagged: Contemporary, Film, Uncategorized, International